Star Trek Still Bold on the Convention Circuit!

OMAHA, NE – Star Trek is still Boldly Going on the Convention Circuit as the cast from the previous TV series’ are still popular attractions at the nation’s biggest science fiction conventions.  While much Star Trek buzz is kept up with the Star Trek reboot in the form of two blockbuster movies, many Star Trek fans get a taste of their favorite TV show and the actors who played their favorite character at convention.  William Shatner still attends the conventions, he attended one this past weekend at SeaTac.

Blast From the Past: Star Trek TNG and Star Trek DS9 casts in a segment in 1994 on Larry King Weekend.

Star Trek fandom has brought many interesting things into the world, including Vulcan, the Star Trek Capital of Canada.  The town was dying and found a way to revive itself by attaching itself to the show with a character from a planet named Vulcan.  There is also Riverside, Iowa, selling itself as the future birthplace of Captain James T Kirk.   Not only do things in Star Trek make their mark, the actors have become icons and occasionally stand up to speak out on political issues of the day, for example, George Takei on the upcoming Sochi Olympics.

New classic references to Star Trek on Big bang Theory!

Men of Star Trek TNG Comic Con Austin 2012. Very interesting.

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